2024-2025 HMS School Supply Lists
6th Grade:
- 1- 5 tab write-on tab dividers with no pocket (do not label dividers before school starts - teacher will direct how to label) (dividers: ELA, SS, Math, Sci, Elective)
- 1 - 3" 3-ring Binder "Suggest a Zipper"
- WIRED Earbuds compatible with Chromebooks to keep at school
- 1 (3-hole) zipper pencil pouch
- 2 packs of loose-leaf notebook paper (wide-ruled)
- 4 packs sharpened pencils
- 1 pack of assorted colored pens (no black)
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 packages of 4 multicolor highlighters
- 1 packages of colored pencils
- 1 package of markers
- 1 package of 3 x 5 index cards
- Optional wireless mouse
7th Grade
- 5 packs of #2 pencils (keep 2 packs, give 3 to flex teacher)
- 1 pack of colored pencils or markers
- 1 pack of Expo markers (Math)
- 1 zippered pencil pouch
- 2 single subject notebooks (ELA & Math)
- 2 folders with pockets (MAth & SS)
- 1 Five Star 5-subject college ruled notebook
- ** Specific brand & style of papers can be taped into the notebook for Science https://a.co/d/9I7G1Hb - Amazon link
- 10 rolls of double-sided Scotch brand tape (math & science)
- 1 - set of headphones with cord
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 1 container of Clorox wipes
8th Grade
- 1 set of wired earbuds compatible with Chromebooks
- 1 pencil pouch
- Class organizer for all 4 Core classes (one of the following: 1.5 in binder with a package of dividers, Trapper Keeper with dividers, accordion folder, etc.)
- 1 - 1 subject spiral notebook (ELA)
- 1 - 1 subject graph spiral notebook (Math)
- 1 pack of loose-leaf notebook paper
- 2 packs of 4 color, small size (1 3/8 x 1 7/8 in) Post-It-Notes
- 3 packages of #2 pencil (pre-sharpened) (1 Collected in Math)
- 1 package of pens (black/blue/red)
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 12" ruler for math
- 2 rolls of transparent Scotch Brand tape - gloss finish (Science)
- 2 bottles of Hand Sanitizer