• What's news

    in Ms. Bartley's class?!

  • October 13

    Grade cards will be available through Synergy on Friday.  Any missing work needs to be turned into teachers by Wednesday Tuesday, October 16. 

    Next week is Socktober and the United Way Penny Wars!!  These are 2 awesome fundraisers! 

    Bring in new socks.  They will be donated to those in need. 

    Penny Wars is a fundraiser for United Way.  Bring in pennies for other grade levels and silver/bills for our grade level.

    Project in a... (Container) is due October 30.  All students have checked out a book and had it approved by me.   Students need to make sure they get the book read in time to complete the project at home.  They may not bring the project in before October 30. 

    Kindergarten is doing their Annual Color Week. 4th Grade has been invited to wear the same colors as kindergartners to show support for their learning. This is an optional activity.
    Monday 10/15 - White

    If you have not yet signed up for conferences I need you to do so ASAP.  If I do not see you signed up I will assign you a time.  It is very important that we meet during this time to discuss your child's progress. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0945aaa829ab9-bartley  click here or copy the link to sign up.





    September 28


    Your child is bringing home a letter and rubric for the book project that is due October 30.  They have a book that is at their reading lexile that stays at home.  They will need to determine how many pages they should read each night and how much time they want to leave to complete their project.  I have encouraged them to do their vocabulary and questions as they are reading the book.

    There is NOT a growth mindset homework page this weekend (the printer was down)

    The book fair begins next week.  We will be going Tuesday (time will be in assignment notebook on Monday) Please see announcement below about all the fun events that are planned during this week.

    Next week the Kindergarten kids will be learing about their colors and if anyone wants to participate in supporting them they can wear the color of the day.  Monday is BLUE day!


    Want to be part of an enchanting time in a magical place?

    Save the date for our ‘Enchanted Forest’ Book Fair the first week of October! Classroom visits will be October 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. On Tuesday, Oct. 2nd join us that night for a special Family Fun Night. Play games, enjoy treats, and shop for magical, mysterious, and wonderful books! On Thursday, October 4th, we will have a "Magical Morning" event-donuts with Mom or Dad! You won’t want to miss it!

    As always, to make the book fair a success we need parent help! Please go to this link to volunteer: https://otepto.membershiptoolkit.com/


    Have a great weekend!



    September 21

    Happy Friday!

    We have a full week next week! 

    Monday is Library if you could help your child remember their books I would appreciate it.

    Please don't forget to go over the growth mindset book with your child (weekly moring work) and fill out the parent letter with them. This should be returned with their book on Monday.

    Have a fantastic fall weekend!



    September 14

    Hi all, I hope you get a chance to enjoy the extended weekend with your kiddo!

    PLEASE BE AWARE that your child should have brought home their Growth mindset bell ringer book AND YOUR homework to do with them (Parent letter on growth mindset) came home in their Friday folder.  Please take a few minutes to do this activity with them and then make sure it is returned with their spiral back to their backpack so it is here on MONDAY.  Thank you so much for your support with this activity.


    We are so fortunate to have 2 wonderful moms that have signed up to be room parents! Please see their note below:

    Greetings Fellow Parents in Mrs. Bartley's 4th Grade,

    We wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves as your room parents this year.  We will be contacting you throughout the year in preparation for the three class parties, as well as in regards to the Teacher Gift fund. Thank you to those who have already signed up to bring food items for the parties. We will send out friendly reminders closer to the dates of the parties.

     We look forward to working together to make sure our kids have a great year.


    Brooke Hoff

    Lori Glaser

    I hope the parents of the boys saw the email regarding the program available that Mr. Sherets and Mrs. Bird are sponsoring.  It is a great program!  If not:

    As many of you have heard, Mrs. Bird and I are starting a program called Let Me Run here at OTE for our 4th and 5th grade boys. Let Me Run is an organization that not only helps teach healthy lifestyles, but it also helps our guys grow up to be more well rounded men.


    We currently have 4 gentlemen signed-up. In order for us to start Let Me Run here at OTE, we need AT LEAST two more students to sign-up! Mrs. Bird and I really believe in what this organization stands for and would love to see it at our school.


    If you would like to sign-up, please feel free to reach out to myself (hsherretts@bluevalleyk12.org), or Mrs. Bird (abird@bluevalleyk12.org) and we can assist you! This is very time sensitive, as we are hoping to start practice next Tuesday!


    Thank you!


    Hunter D. Sherretts-Woulfe

    Not much else.  Have a great weekend.


    September 7

    Hi and happy Friday!!! The carnival is tonight and will be held inside at the OVERLAND TRAIL MIDDLE SCHOOL.

    We have begun our school wide discipline program and will have an assembly today to kick things off.  Next week there will be a mini lesson on each of the areas on the matrix (you should have recieved a brochure at Back to School night or in Friday folder).

    The Growth Mindset morning notebooks finally came in and we will start those Monday which means your parent "homework" will come home Thursday (we don't have school Friday!).  Your child will bring there notebook home and there will be a letter (hard copy next week, electronic moving forward). PLEASE help them to make sure they bring their notebook on Monday so they will have it for morning work...thank you in advance.

    Monday Library

    Tuesday School Pictures

    Friday no school

    Have a wonderful and dry weekend,




    September 4, 2018

    Happy Tuesday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  I want to thank everyone that made it to Back to School night, there was a wonderful turn out and I appreciate you taking the time to come! 

    It is a short week, but we are now in full swing with MAP testing complete...

    PBIS begins in earnest this week. I will give the students 3 reminders and if the behavior continues you will receive a call from me.  Positive paws are also being utilized.

    You can check out homework on the "Daily assignments" tab on my website.  Just click on the date and homework to see what should be written in the assignment notebook.  Please keep in mind your child may have completed items at school that appear on the site.

    The school carnival is Friday and today is the last day to buy wristbands.

    School pictures are 9/11 make sure you send the envelope back that your child should have brought home last week in their Friday folder.

    Have a wonderful week and always feel free to contact me through email if you have questions or concerns,




    Friday, August 24.


        Well, we have done it!!! We have completed our first full week of school, and I think the students are as tired as I am!  It has been hard for all of us to get back in the groove, but we are getting there! 

        I will post an email by Sunday of each week sharing important information for the upcoming week.  Please make sure you check it weekly.  Also, if you child is absent or forgets their assignment notebook the days work can be found under the "daily assignments" page on this webpage.



    Monday we will have MAP testing at 8:45 for math.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and great breakfast so they are ready to tackle this test!


    Tuesday we have a field trip to Lanesfield School House!  Your child is encouraged to dress the role of a student in the early 1900's.  We will be doing our reading, writing, math, and spelling lessons for the day in a one room school house! Your child MUST bring their lunch and a drink. No lunches will be provided or other food available.  If they ask to bring their lunch in a pail or basket it is because that is how children back then carried their lunches.  ALSO, TUESDAY we have Back to School night for the parents only.  It is from 6-7:30 the schedule will be at the end of this newsletter.

    Wednesday: MAP testing 8:45 reading. Make sure your child gets a good breakfast.


    Friday: Impact club forms are due. IMPACT CLUB APPLICATION CLICK TO OPEN


    Back to School Night

    Session 1:  (6-6:35pm)

                    -6pm: Principal and PTO Video

                    -6:10-6:35pm: Meet with classroom teacher

    Session 2: (6:45-7:15pm)

                    -Classroom teacher

    Gym: (6pm-7:30pm)

    -PTO Membership & Spirit Wear

    -Y-Care (table)

    -Girl/Boy Scouts (table)

    Have a fantastic weekend and keep your eye out for the email for conference sign ups!