The Family Handbook helps to create a consistent and supportive operation of our school. Please always feel free to contact the school with questions.
The handbook covers the following items:- Daily Schedule
- Accidents/Illness/Medications
- Animals
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Attendance/Absences
- Behavior Management
- Birthdays
- Building Security/Visitors
- Cafeteria
- Classroom Volunteers and Visitations
- Classes
- Cold Weather Policy
- Communications
- Dismissal of Students During School Hours
- Dress Code and Grooming
- Early Dismissal
- Emergency Dismissal
- Emergency Safety Interventions
- Emergency Situations
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Fire and Tornado Drills
- Performance Reporting
- Parent-Teacher Organization
- Safety
- School Parties
- Student Expectations/Discipline Plan
- Telephone
- Daily Schedule