• Below is the registration information for rSchool. This is important for you to complete if you have a student in 7th or 8th grade participating in a sport, or if your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student will be in the band, choir, or orchestra. 

    Athletics and Activities for each grade level:

    • In 6th graders can participate in choir, orchestra, theater productions, clubs, and wrestling.

    (No other sports are offered to sixth graders).

    • In 7th grade, the above activities are offered in addition to cross country, track, and cheer.
    • In 8th grade, the above activities are offered in addition to football, volleyball, and basketball.


    Students involved in activities that do not require a physical will still need to complete the other required forms to participate. Those activities include middle school band, choir, and orchestra.


    The Blue Valley School District has moved to an online format to submit all paperwork needed to be involved in athletics and activities at the high school and middle school levels. The online system can be accessed directly through the link below and will start accepting new forms on May 1st.

    If you have an existing account from the 23-24 school year you will need to login, CLICK ON THE REGISTER BUTTON, choose your child and school then update any information from the previous year and upload the new physical forms.



  • Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination form submitted for review before the student is authorized to participate in practice or tryouts. The Physical Examination shall not be taken earlier than May 1 preceding the school year for which it is applicable. Click here for instructions on submitting a completed physical exam. 



  • Athletics forms must be completed, Parent rSchool Account must be created, and students must be registered in rSchool with all physical paperwork and forms uploaded before the sport season starts.

    Students will not be able to participate in any athletic activity until all forms on the rSchool website have been completed. 


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