• Blue Valley's social media pages are moderated by the Blue Valley Schools Communication Department and are intended to serve as a resource containing district information for our parents, students, teachers and staff, and our local community. We value feedback from our community and patrons and encourage healthy, productive conversations on our social media pages. With that in mind, we ask that you show respect for your fellow users if you comment on our pages by ensuring the discussion remains civil and family-friendly. As adults and leaders for children, we want to foster a safe online community by promoting good examples in kindness and digital citizenship. 

    Please remember these posting guidelines before interacting with our social media pages. 

    Comment Policy

    Blue Valley Schools is not responsible for comments made by visitors to the page. Site administrators reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to block users, hide comments and/or delete comments, posts, images, etc. with or without notice for violating the below conditions, and modify these guidelines at our discretion. We do not permit:

    • Comments that are racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, vulgar, spam, contain falsehoods or are wildly off-topic
    • Comments that libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals
    • Personal attacks and name calling
    • Complaints of any nature that identify individuals
    • Comments of a disrespectful, harassing or bullying nature
    • Comments selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures (spam)

    Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by the host site’s Terms of Use. Social media sites are third party sites and the host sites have Terms of Service and policies that are not governed by the district. We encourage you to share your support for our students and connect with other supporters here on our page, and to visit frequently for news and updates. Thanks for your assistance in providing exemplary examples for our students!